“No Tobacco Pledge” Report

MBIT administered “No Tobacco Pledge” on 31st May 2021.
Date:- 31st May 2021
Time: – 3:30 PM TO 4:30PM I.S.T.
A CVM Institution: Madhuben and Bhanubhai Patel Institute of Technology, New Vallabh Vidhya Nagar administered pledge of No Tobacco on 31st May, 2021. Each year 31st May is observed as “World No Tobacco day” hence the pledge was administered to make students aware about no tobacco activities.
The function started with welcome speech and prayer. After that Prof. Dr. Archana Nanoty, Principal, MBIT addressed the students, Madam Discuss That Those Having smoking Habit are more likely to develop savior disses in covid -19 compare to nonsmoker. Theme of this day is to Quit tobacco is a winner and Commit To Quit. As per the UGC guideline pledge for to quit tobacco and to be winner. After Principal madam’s address, all the faculty members and students took Anti-terrorism pledge.
The objective to Highlight the leadership of financial institutions that have implemented tobacco-free finance policies and encourage others to follow suit and Encourage the transition towards tobacco-free finance policies The function was concluded by singing MBIT Anthem and National Anthem. Read more…