
Madhuben & Bhanubhai Patel Institute of Technology

(The Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) University)

Physically Disability Grievances Redressal Committee

The following duties and responsibilities are as follows for the academic year 2024-25:

  1. Our Institute is committed to creating a healthy working and study environment.
  2. Students and faculties have the right to work without fear to prejudice, bias and harassment regardless of gender, disability, age, and religion.
  3. The institution believes that all the students and staff members have the right to be treated with dignity.

The Institute has formed the committee with the following member:

Sr.No. Name Designation Email Id
1 Prof. Nirali Pandya, Asst. Prof., CE Dept.
Co-ordinator nthakkar@mbit.edu.in
2 Ms. Nikita Soni, Admin asst., Admin Dept.
Member ncsoni@mbit.edu.in
3 Ms. Sonalben Rathod, Jr. Clerk, Library
Member snrathod@mbit.edu.in