International / National Journal: |
- Pooja Bhatt,Rohit shrivastava ” A Qos Adaptive Routing Scheme (IGLAR) For Highly Dynamic Vehicular Networks with Support to Service and Priority, Network and Complex Systems(ISSN 2225-0603), Vol.3, Issue 9, 2013.
- Ruchika Patel,Pooja Bhatt, “A survey on semantic focused web crawler for information discovery using data mining technique”, International journal for innovative research in science and technology (ISSN: 2349-6010), vol.1, issue 7,2014.
- Anu Thomas, Pooja Bhatt, “A survey on routing protocol of wireless sensor network and its application”, International journal for scientific research & development (ISSN: 2321-0613), 2014.
- Minoti Patel, Pooja Bhatt, “A survey on text mining process and email categorization methods” paper was published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development(ISSN: 2321-0613), vol. 2 Issue 10, 2015.
- Vishal Polara, Pooja Bhatt, Analyzing Performance of Zone Routing Protocol by Varying Node Density and Transmission Range International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technologies(ISSN: 2776-2782), Vol 5,Issue 3,2014.
- Ruchika Patel, Pooja Bhatt, “Semantic Focused Web Crawler for Service Discovery Using Data Mining Technique”, International journal of advanced computer technology (ISSN:2320-0790), Vol.4, Issue7 , July-2015.
- Divya Sharma, Krishna Suthar, Pooja M Bhatt, Anu Thomas, “A New Shortest Routing Path Algorithm using Spanning Trees – A Technical Research” Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering,(ISSN: 2455-5703), Vol. 1, Issue 6,2016.
- Pooja Bhatt, Dr. Amit Ganatra,”Analyzing & Enhancing Accuracy of Part of Speech Tagger with the Usage of Mixed Approaches for Gujarati”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, (ISSN- 2277-3878), Vol.8 ,Issue 1, May 2019.
- Pooja Bhatt, Dr. Amit Ganatra,”A Statistical Approach For Evaluating Performance of Part of Speech Tagger for Gujarati”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,(ISSN- 2277-3878), Vol. 8, Issue 2, July 2019.
International / National Conference: |
- Pooja Bhatt, Ketan Rathod, Vishal Polara, ”Microsoft Azure-A cloud based platform”,National conference on Emerging vistas of technology in 21st century, Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vadodara, 4th-5th December 2010 .
- Pooja Bhatt ,Vishal Polara, “Review on Agent Oriented Software Engineering”, international conference on Computer Science and Information Technology at Pune,15th April 2012.
- Pooja Bhatt, Ketan Rathod “An Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm For Brain Images”,International conference on Computer Science and Information Technology at Pune,15th April, 2012.
- Pooja Bhatt,Rohit Shrivastava, “Survey on Routing Protocol & its applications in VANET With Future perspective”,International conference on International Conference on Advanced Computer Sciences, Communication and Information Technologies (ICACSIT), Pune , 2nd December 2012.