Rishi Scientist of India

Date: 12/07/2024
Time: 2:00-4:00 Pm
Speaker: Dr. Vibha Vaishnav; Professor, Electronics Department, S. P. University
Venue: MBIT Auditorium
On 12/07/2024 a session titled “Rishi Scientist” held at MBIT aimed to enlighten students about the intersection of humanity, spirituality, and the profound scientific contributions made by ancient Indian sages, known as Rishis and Maharishis. Dr. Vibha Vaishnav, a distinguished professor from the Electronics Department at Sardar Patel University, graced the event as the chief guest and program facilitator. She is servinf as an Hon. Director , C C Patel Community Science Center, Vallabh Vidaynagar. Thde program was organized under the joint ospices of MBIT Astronomy club and CSC Khagol Mandal.